Customer Discovery as a Team Sports

Wendy Tam
2 min readJan 11, 2021

It is crucial that your team knows that they are building the right thing.

As the world has changed completely, not even the most experienced and intelligent person in the room could have all the answers. In fact, this kind of top-down, command-and-execute model has already contributed to many product failures, which led to financial and opportunity loss.

The Problematic Way

The Root Causes of Product Failure by Marty Cagan

The Better Way

The high-performance product teams are already adopting a much more effective practice that focused on outcome and value creation.

The Root Causes of Product Failure by Marty Cagan

In the heart of this process, every team member — yes, engineers included, have a role to play in Customer Discovery. The team would spend less time on meetings and requirement clarification, but more time on customer learning experiment design, co-creation and rapid validation.

“If you’re just using your engineers to code, you’re only getting about half their value.” — Marty Cagan

Role of Product Management & UX

The best engineers, designers, content writers, QA etc. would want to know whether they are building the right thing. The role of UX needs to strengthen into planning, facilitating and educating customer discovery as a team sports.

When you help everyone in your team to develop empathy, to see the meaning and significance in their work, you will have a powerful team creating remarkable product experience for your customers.

